It's time that our bedroom gets some updating! We have had the same decor in the bedroom for 3 years now! Greg mentioned the other day that we needed a change so I am jumping on that one! I have been searching online and have found this cute wall hanging that is made from 3 pieces of 12x12 wooden tiles! I LOVE IT!! I have decided that I want this to be the focus of our room and that we can incorporate reds and creams into the mix but I really love the dark brown and am looking forward to redecorating! Here are a few other things that I was looking at...

My mother-in-law bought these last weekend and I fell in LOVE with them!! I thought that this might look cute in the bedroom as well! I have been searching for comforter sets and have found nothing!! That's my next goal... find a comforter set!!!!!
If you look on eBay, they alwyas have great ones and at a good price. There is a seller/store that puts stuff on ebay, I think JoJo, but lots of cute bed stuff, and crib stuff too, little FYI. Thats were we got Livie's.
Hi Sarah,
Let me know your email and I can send you an invitation to my blog. Or you can send it to your mom and she can forward it to me.
Hope you are feeling better. For the most part after the first trimester,headed into the second trimester you should start to feel better and more energetic. Take advantage of it. Love you.
Hey I am so glad I found your blog. I am so excited for you both congrats on the baby! I hope you guys enjoy your new house and ward we miss you in primary.
hey cousin!!
that sign is suppeerr cute.
well congrats!!!
im so so happy for you both!
& btw your blog is SUPER cute:)
how did you get the playlist?
i dont know hwere to put it
love you an hope your doin fab!
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