Birthday Greg dear! Happy days will come to you all year! If I had one wish then it would be a Happy Happy Birthday to you from me!! I sure do love you and all that you do for our little family! Here's to 25 years young, baby!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Take a look at this CUTIE!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Check out this cutie!
We had Ava's pictures done 3 weeks ago and finally got them back. Check out the photographers blog for a little preview!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
2 month checkup
Our little Ava sure is growing!
2 month stats:
Weight: 11 lbs. 14 oz... 66%
Height: 23 3/4 in.... 77%
Head Circ.: 14 in.... 18%
So apparently according to the norms, for Ava's height and weight she has a pretty small head! I personally like her small head though :)
Ava's progress:
* She can hold her head up for quite a while now while on her tummy. When held upright, she has pretty good control of her body.
*She smiles all the time!! We LOVE it!!
*She loves to coo and babble or "tell us a story"
*She has discovered her hands and can't stop sucking on them
*She is loving her swing more and more
*On November 5 she slept 6 hours straight which is considered through the night! YAY!!
*She is so good at focusing and following whatever she is focused on.
We love our little girl so much and feel so blessed to be her parents!
Here's to nine wonderful weeks as your mommy! Love you miss Ava
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
YAY!! Finally, we got the internet @ our new house and that means I can blog again! Things have been CRAZZZYY busy around the Corrington household but are finally starting to slow down... just a little! New house and new baby, where to start...
Well, on Monday August 31st @ 1pm we closed on our home and weren't able to move in right away because it needed new paint and carpet to make it livable so we thought well a week from when baby is here will give us plenty of time to get it done.(By we I mean Greg:))So that evening around 9, we decide to go get a Redbox movie @ Albertson's. We're standing there and I feel leakage and look down at my pants to see a wet spot... down there. I thought to myself, "maybe there's just some reserve in my bladder and she pushed on it... oops". So I told Greg and he said well do you wanna go home or go get something to eat? Of course a 39 week pregnant woman would say "FOOD!" So we went to Sonic Drive In and grabbed a bite to eat then we were on our way home. Well, as soon as I stood up out of the car a little more leakage came and I thought that this might be my water breaking but I wasn't sure. Went to the bathroom as soon as we were inside and called L&D and asked if its possible that my water could have broken and they said yes and to come up to the hospital. WE WERE HAVING THE BABY!!! My instincts were proven right when I went to change into different pants and a gush of fluid came out! That was an emotion filled moment that Greg and I will never forget.
We proceeded to the hospital and had to stay over night even though I was only dilated 2cm. and 75% eff. because of my water breaking and the risk of infection that comes with that. The nurse gave me cytotec and then asked me to walk around to try and start labor. Around midnight we settled in our room and tried to sleep ;)
That next morning, my doctor came in and started me on pitocin, which made me really sick and not to mention, my contractions were already 1-2 minutes apart but I only dilated to 4cm and would not go any further. So I ordered the epidural so they could up the pitocin but Ava did not like the pitocin and I continued to not dilate any further than 4cm so my doctor decided that it would be best for mom and baby to take Ava via C-Section. I was terrified. My first surgery and first baby!! We went into surgery @ 11:20am and Ava arrived @ 11:43am! She is definitely worth every pain that I felt and every tear that I shed. She is amazing and I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father loves me so much that he would send us our little girl so that we could love her and teach her how he would have us. Her tiny little spirit has brought so much love into our home. We love her so much!!!
Just outta the bath!

6 Weeks

Sleepin' on Daddy

She has been so much fun and she changes DAILY!! We are loving our little girl!!
Well, on Monday August 31st @ 1pm we closed on our home and weren't able to move in right away because it needed new paint and carpet to make it livable so we thought well a week from when baby is here will give us plenty of time to get it done.(By we I mean Greg:))So that evening around 9, we decide to go get a Redbox movie @ Albertson's. We're standing there and I feel leakage and look down at my pants to see a wet spot... down there. I thought to myself, "maybe there's just some reserve in my bladder and she pushed on it... oops". So I told Greg and he said well do you wanna go home or go get something to eat? Of course a 39 week pregnant woman would say "FOOD!" So we went to Sonic Drive In and grabbed a bite to eat then we were on our way home. Well, as soon as I stood up out of the car a little more leakage came and I thought that this might be my water breaking but I wasn't sure. Went to the bathroom as soon as we were inside and called L&D and asked if its possible that my water could have broken and they said yes and to come up to the hospital. WE WERE HAVING THE BABY!!! My instincts were proven right when I went to change into different pants and a gush of fluid came out! That was an emotion filled moment that Greg and I will never forget.
We proceeded to the hospital and had to stay over night even though I was only dilated 2cm. and 75% eff. because of my water breaking and the risk of infection that comes with that. The nurse gave me cytotec and then asked me to walk around to try and start labor. Around midnight we settled in our room and tried to sleep ;)
That next morning, my doctor came in and started me on pitocin, which made me really sick and not to mention, my contractions were already 1-2 minutes apart but I only dilated to 4cm and would not go any further. So I ordered the epidural so they could up the pitocin but Ava did not like the pitocin and I continued to not dilate any further than 4cm so my doctor decided that it would be best for mom and baby to take Ava via C-Section. I was terrified. My first surgery and first baby!! We went into surgery @ 11:20am and Ava arrived @ 11:43am! She is definitely worth every pain that I felt and every tear that I shed. She is amazing and I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father loves me so much that he would send us our little girl so that we could love her and teach her how he would have us. Her tiny little spirit has brought so much love into our home. We love her so much!!!
Just outta the bath!

6 Weeks

Sleepin' on Daddy

She has been so much fun and she changes DAILY!! We are loving our little girl!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Ava has arrived!!!
Our sweet baby girl arrived September 1st @ 11:43am. 7 lbs. 7 oz. 20 in. long and BEAUTIFUL!!! I will post pictures soon!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
This past month has been so busy for us! We have been out of town almost EVERY weekend! This summer, by far, has been the most busy! We we to Boise for the 4th of July to celebrate the holiday with Greg's extended family and some good friends of ours! It was nice to get away and hang out with them! Totally brought my camera with good intentions but no pics were taken :(
The next weekend, we made a trip down to Utah to look for a car. We found one that we wanted and decided we'd come back on Tuesday with money in hand, ready to take home "our" new car! BOY, were we wrong!!! Without going into detail, I'll just say that we came back with just one car... the one we drove down in!! OH WHAT A MESS!!!
This last weekend, Greg, his brothers(minus 1), and his cousins hikes Red fish Lake and Alice Lake! They had a blast but said the mosquitoes were HORRIBLE!! Here are some pictures from that trip.
The Crew

The Lake


I was sad that I wasn't able to make it on this hike :( But I definitely will not be missing any future hikes!!!
Last but not least... my belly growing month by month in the form of pictures!
4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

I don't like the way I look in ANY of these pictures! Most of them depict me as being EXHAUSTED! Which I have been during a majority of this pregnancy! Besides that though, it's been a pretty easy pregnancy. We have 7 more weeks until we meet our sweet little Ava! We are SO EXCITED!!!
The next weekend, we made a trip down to Utah to look for a car. We found one that we wanted and decided we'd come back on Tuesday with money in hand, ready to take home "our" new car! BOY, were we wrong!!! Without going into detail, I'll just say that we came back with just one car... the one we drove down in!! OH WHAT A MESS!!!
This last weekend, Greg, his brothers(minus 1), and his cousins hikes Red fish Lake and Alice Lake! They had a blast but said the mosquitoes were HORRIBLE!! Here are some pictures from that trip.
The Crew

The Lake


I was sad that I wasn't able to make it on this hike :( But I definitely will not be missing any future hikes!!!
Last but not least... my belly growing month by month in the form of pictures!
4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

I don't like the way I look in ANY of these pictures! Most of them depict me as being EXHAUSTED! Which I have been during a majority of this pregnancy! Besides that though, it's been a pretty easy pregnancy. We have 7 more weeks until we meet our sweet little Ava! We are SO EXCITED!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ava in 3D
We got our 3D ultrasound today!! It was so neat to see our little girl! She was quite shy for the first 20 minutes or so. The tech had us walk around to see if we could get her to move her hands from her face. When we got back, she gave us a peek for about 10 minutes then turned her head and covered her face again! Here are some of the pictures that she let us take...
A peek at that cute little face!

Our little gymnast!

Ava being SHY!
A peek at that cute little face!

Our little gymnast!

Ava being SHY!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Loving Tip Junkie!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hope ya know, We had a hard time
I watched this video on a blog last night and just cried. These past couple of weeks have been a real struggle for me and I've felt so down. This video was exactly what I needed to know that He is there and aware of what I need in my life. I am grateful for the Gospel and the knowledge I have of it's truthfulness. It has blessed my life in so many ways and I still continue to receive blessings from it. This clip was the pick me up that I needed.
Friday, June 12, 2009
100 Truths... Actully only 97!
I read this on another blog and wanted to share! I know some people hate them but I love them! I think they are so fun to read. I think you can learn things about people you never knew. So I double dare you all to repost and come back and tell me where to find it so I can read up on all your juicy secrets. Enjoy!
1. Last beverage → Water
2. Last phone call → Gregy
3. Last text message → Yep! (from my cousin)
4. Last song you listened to → Luck in Love
5. Last time you cried → Like 2 weeks ago and almost today... stinkin' pregnancy hormones:(
6. Dated someone twice? → No
7. Been cheated on? → Yes
8. Kissed someone? → Yes.
9. Lost someone special? → Yes.
10. Been depressed? → Sure, I think so...
11. Been drunk and threw up? → Yes... lice and learn, right?!?
12. Pink
13. Green
14. Black
15. Brown
16. Made new friends → Yeppers!
17. Fallen out of love → Yes. (Not with my husband tho!)
18. Laughed until you cried → Yes!
19. Met someone who changed you → For sure.
20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes.
21. Found out someone was talking about you → Uhm. Hello Jr. High and High school!
22. Kissed anyone on your Facebook friend's list → My hubby!!!
23. How many people on your Facebook friends list do you know in real life →????
24. How many kids do you want to have → 3 or 4
25. Do you have any pets → We have a dog named Dylan
26. Do you want to change your name → Sure don't... when I was little I wanted to be named Beth...?
27. What are you wearing- Capris, purple shirt, and black flip flops
28. What time did you wake up today → 7:45am.
29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Laying in bed talking to Greg
30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → One final VACATION before our baby gets here!
31. Last time you saw your father → The beginning of May
32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → That I would never get old.
33. What are you listening to right now → Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon
34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → I'm pretty sure I have
35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Not working... most people would love it but I'm getting pretty bored @ home and it's nice to have a little extra dough$$
36. Most visited web page → FACEBOOK...I'm a FB junkie!
37. What's your name? → Sarah
38. Relationship Status → Married
39. Zodiac sign → Tarus
40. Male or female or transgendered → female
41. Primary School → Greenacres Elementary
42. Middle School → Alameda Jr. High
43. High school → Century High
44. Did you like school? Yes!
45. Hair color → Brown.
46. Long or short → Chest length.
47. Height → 5’5"
48. Do you have a crush on someone? → My HOTTIE husband!!
49. What do you like about yourself? → My eyes and my crafty-ness
50. Piercings → My ears
51. Tattoos→ Zero.
52. Righty or lefty → Righty.
53. First surgery → Hips when I was born
54. First piercing → Ears
55. First best friends → Carrie, Carrie and Amy
56. First sport you joined → Ballet.
57. First pet → My dog-- Bob
58. First vacation → Bremmerton, Washington
59. First concert → Nickelback...
60. First crush → Dustin Armstrong
61. Eating → Trail Mix
62. Drinking → Water
63. I'm about to → Tiddy up the house so it can be shown
64. Listening to → Incubus
65. Waiting for → Our little trip to IF tonight
66. Want kids? Got one in the oven as we speak!
67. Want to get married? Done!
68. Careers in mind? PTA and Mom
69. Lips or eyes → Eyes... dreamy blues!
70. Hugs or kisses → Kisses always.
71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
72. Older or Younger → Older by a year or two
73. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneously romantic!
74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms. To lift me takes some muscle!
75. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive but not a sissy.
76. Hook-up or relationship → Hook-ups are always more fun!! J/K
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker...totally my husband!!
78. Kissed a stranger → NOPE
79. Drank hard liquor → Yes
80. Lost glasses/contacts → No
81. Broken someone's heart → Probably
82. Had your own heart broken → Yes
83. Been arrested → No way Jose!!!
84. Turned someone down → Yes!
85. Cried when someone died → Yes.
86. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Like…LIKE like? Nope!
87. Yourself → YES!!
88. Miracles → Yes
89. Love at first sight → HMMMM
90. Heaven → Yes!
91. Santa Clause → Sure!
92. Kiss on the first date? → Why the heck not!
93. Angels → ...Yep
94. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → I don't mind being alone sometimes. My sisters!
95. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → Yes but I was on the verge of breaking up with one and the other one became my husband!!
96. Dream about? Being with Greg FOREVER and having a beautiful family!
97. Posting this as 100 Truths? → Sure.
1. Last beverage → Water
2. Last phone call → Gregy
3. Last text message → Yep! (from my cousin)
4. Last song you listened to → Luck in Love
5. Last time you cried → Like 2 weeks ago and almost today... stinkin' pregnancy hormones:(
6. Dated someone twice? → No
7. Been cheated on? → Yes
8. Kissed someone? → Yes.
9. Lost someone special? → Yes.
10. Been depressed? → Sure, I think so...
11. Been drunk and threw up? → Yes... lice and learn, right?!?
12. Pink
13. Green
14. Black
15. Brown
16. Made new friends → Yeppers!
17. Fallen out of love → Yes. (Not with my husband tho!)
18. Laughed until you cried → Yes!
19. Met someone who changed you → For sure.
20. Found out who your true friends were → Yes.
21. Found out someone was talking about you → Uhm. Hello Jr. High and High school!
22. Kissed anyone on your Facebook friend's list → My hubby!!!
23. How many people on your Facebook friends list do you know in real life →????
24. How many kids do you want to have → 3 or 4
25. Do you have any pets → We have a dog named Dylan
26. Do you want to change your name → Sure don't... when I was little I wanted to be named Beth...?
27. What are you wearing- Capris, purple shirt, and black flip flops
28. What time did you wake up today → 7:45am.
29. What were you doing at midnight last night → Laying in bed talking to Greg
30. Name something you CANNOT wait for → One final VACATION before our baby gets here!
31. Last time you saw your father → The beginning of May
32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → That I would never get old.
33. What are you listening to right now → Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon
34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → I'm pretty sure I have
35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Not working... most people would love it but I'm getting pretty bored @ home and it's nice to have a little extra dough$$
36. Most visited web page → FACEBOOK...I'm a FB junkie!
37. What's your name? → Sarah
38. Relationship Status → Married
39. Zodiac sign → Tarus
40. Male or female or transgendered → female
41. Primary School → Greenacres Elementary
42. Middle School → Alameda Jr. High
43. High school → Century High
44. Did you like school? Yes!
45. Hair color → Brown.
46. Long or short → Chest length.
47. Height → 5’5"
48. Do you have a crush on someone? → My HOTTIE husband!!
49. What do you like about yourself? → My eyes and my crafty-ness
50. Piercings → My ears
51. Tattoos→ Zero.
52. Righty or lefty → Righty.
53. First surgery → Hips when I was born
54. First piercing → Ears
55. First best friends → Carrie, Carrie and Amy
56. First sport you joined → Ballet.
57. First pet → My dog-- Bob
58. First vacation → Bremmerton, Washington
59. First concert → Nickelback...
60. First crush → Dustin Armstrong
61. Eating → Trail Mix
62. Drinking → Water
63. I'm about to → Tiddy up the house so it can be shown
64. Listening to → Incubus
65. Waiting for → Our little trip to IF tonight
66. Want kids? Got one in the oven as we speak!
67. Want to get married? Done!
68. Careers in mind? PTA and Mom
69. Lips or eyes → Eyes... dreamy blues!
70. Hugs or kisses → Kisses always.
71. Shorter or taller → Taller.
72. Older or Younger → Older by a year or two
73. Romantic or spontaneous → Spontaneously romantic!
74. Nice stomach or nice arms → Arms. To lift me takes some muscle!
75. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive but not a sissy.
76. Hook-up or relationship → Hook-ups are always more fun!! J/K
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker...totally my husband!!
78. Kissed a stranger → NOPE
79. Drank hard liquor → Yes
80. Lost glasses/contacts → No
81. Broken someone's heart → Probably
82. Had your own heart broken → Yes
83. Been arrested → No way Jose!!!
84. Turned someone down → Yes!
85. Cried when someone died → Yes.
86. Liked a friend that is a girl? → Like…LIKE like? Nope!
87. Yourself → YES!!
88. Miracles → Yes
89. Love at first sight → HMMMM
90. Heaven → Yes!
91. Santa Clause → Sure!
92. Kiss on the first date? → Why the heck not!
93. Angels → ...Yep
94. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → I don't mind being alone sometimes. My sisters!
95. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → Yes but I was on the verge of breaking up with one and the other one became my husband!!
96. Dream about? Being with Greg FOREVER and having a beautiful family!
97. Posting this as 100 Truths? → Sure.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My Best Friend
I just wanted to post about someone that is very special to me! He's my best friend and I don't know where I'd be without him. He has so much strength and determination. He will help ANYBODY and always finds opportunities for service...even if he doesn't think of it that way!! He is so compassionate, kind, loving, friendly, and very easy going. He has an infectious smile and an unforgettable laugh! He lights up a room whenever he walks in. He knows just what to say when I've had a bad day! He works so hard to take care of our family and makes sure that we are always taken care of! I never get tired of his jokes or his repeated stories! He makes me laugh so hard that I cry and I love spending every moment with him. He's a wonderful son, brother, cousin, friend, husband, and soon-to-be dad! I love him with all my heart and am so blessed to have married my best friend!

He is so dang cute! I sure do LOVE this guy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
23 weeks and 23 years!
Yesterday was my 23rd Birthday and it just so happens to be that I am 23 weeks pregnant!! I thought it was kinda cool and a little weird at the same time!!
Our little one definitely lets us know she is there! She is turning, kicking, punching, and she may even be training to run a marathon! I read that our baby is supposed to double in size within the next month! It's crazy to think that it took her almost six months to get to a pound and now she's going to double that in a month!?! We are so excited for our little one and feel very blessed that our Heavenly Father trusts us with the life of this tiny miracle! We know that this little girl is already loved so much not only by her parents but by others as well. We are grateful for this little miracle and pray for strength, patience, and wisdom as we journey into the world of parenting!
Our little one definitely lets us know she is there! She is turning, kicking, punching, and she may even be training to run a marathon! I read that our baby is supposed to double in size within the next month! It's crazy to think that it took her almost six months to get to a pound and now she's going to double that in a month!?! We are so excited for our little one and feel very blessed that our Heavenly Father trusts us with the life of this tiny miracle! We know that this little girl is already loved so much not only by her parents but by others as well. We are grateful for this little miracle and pray for strength, patience, and wisdom as we journey into the world of parenting!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The UpDaTe
It's been a while since I've updated but now that things have slowed down a little more, I can give you all the update on our very exciting lives!!
Well, we did it! We FINALLY sold our home and are so excited to moving onto a new adventure in our lives! We didn't get full asking price but it was dang near close enough! We are now just on the hunt for a new place to call home, in Poky if course :)
I finished my last final on Friday and was very relieved after that was over!!! No school til next spring!! SOOOOOO EXCITED to actually take a break from studying and time to enjoy our little baby girl!
I have been feeling her move and kick since April 20th. I have wanted Greg to feel her kick so we can share that experience together! On the night of May 5th, she was really moving and I told Greg to hurry and put his hand on my belly and sure enough she kicked him! It was so neat to share this experience with him!
We are ready for new adventures and a great summer!
Well, we did it! We FINALLY sold our home and are so excited to moving onto a new adventure in our lives! We didn't get full asking price but it was dang near close enough! We are now just on the hunt for a new place to call home, in Poky if course :)
I finished my last final on Friday and was very relieved after that was over!!! No school til next spring!! SOOOOOO EXCITED to actually take a break from studying and time to enjoy our little baby girl!
I have been feeling her move and kick since April 20th. I have wanted Greg to feel her kick so we can share that experience together! On the night of May 5th, she was really moving and I told Greg to hurry and put his hand on my belly and sure enough she kicked him! It was so neat to share this experience with him!
We are ready for new adventures and a great summer!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Moving and Shaking!
I felt our little baby girl finally kick! I was not quite sure what it would feel like and when I would know and it felt like everyone says that it would feel like... a little gas bubble! She kicks and moves quite frequently which, to me is really cool cause I know she's there! I want Greg to feel her kick because it's such a cool/weird feeling!!!
We have been thinking about names and are really stuck on Ava. What do you guys think? Any name suggestions? We were also thinkg that we would like to give her a Hawaiian middle name. We'll see...
We have been thinking about names and are really stuck on Ava. What do you guys think? Any name suggestions? We were also thinkg that we would like to give her a Hawaiian middle name. We'll see...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
What's it gonna be?!?
Well, we are getting pretty close to finding out the sex of our little one so I thought I'd throw it out there and see what you guys think it might be?!? Boy or girl?!?
I added a poll to the top of the blog so you can vote there or leave a comment!
I added a poll to the top of the blog so you can vote there or leave a comment!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
My latest and greatest...

Here's a picture of our Dylan. We purchased him while we were dating and he is our baby! He got a haircut last Saturday. Over the winter, his hair gets terrible. He looks like he gains 20 lbs. because of his massive fur coat. When he gets a cut, he seems more happy and free!! Anyways, he stayed over with us that night. He likes to lay on the futon while I blog spy. I turned around and snapped this pic then turned back around. About 5 minutes later I heard some scratching and ruffling. I turned around to find that he had "nested" all of the blanket(even off the back of the futon) to make himself a "nest"! He is the cutest dog ever!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
16 Weeks
This is what I found @ and thought I'd share my wonderful pregnancy with you!!
"How your baby's growing:
Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.See what your baby looks like this week. (Or see what fraternal twins look like in the womb this week.)
Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
How your life's changing:
The top of your uterus is about halfway between your pubic bone and your navel, and the round ligaments that support it are thickening and stretching as it grows. You're probably feeling a whole lot better as you settle into pregnancy, too. Less nausea, fewer mood swings, and "glowing" skin contribute to an overall sense of well-being.Soon you'll experience one of the most wonderful moments of pregnancy — feeling your baby move. While some women notice "quickening" as early as 16 weeks, many don't feel their baby move until about 18 weeks or more. (And if this is your first baby, don't be too impatient — you may not be aware of your baby's movements until 20 weeks or so.) The earliest movements may feel like little flutters, gas bubbles, or even like popcorn popping. Over the following weeks they'll grow stronger and you'll be able to feel them much more frequently."
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Here it is...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Feelin' crafty!
I have had the crafting fever lately and decided to tackle my first sewing project since Greg and I have been married. I will post pics on Friday when they are all done!!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Where's Spring... and Greg?
Greg left @6am this morning to catch his flight to Minnesota! Greg's work is sending him and one other salesman to a window conference. They will be training and learning about these windows while a couple of the others that he went with get SPOILED!! I miss him like crazy already! If you know Greg and me, we do just about EVERYTHING together! I think the longest that we've been apart is like 3 days, 2 nights and that was pretty tough because we were newly married. He will be gone until late late Wednesday. So, while he's enjoying a little bit of sun(he said it was sunny today), we are gettin' hammered by a snow storm...GGRRR! Don't get me wrong, we NEED the moisture, but I am getting cabin fever REAL BAD!!!!! I need some rays for tan-turned white skin!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
OK... so it's been a while!
Our life hasn't been super exciting lately but we have done a few things! Here goes our month of February... On Feb. 6,7, and 8, we made a trip to Utah with our friends for our annual ski trip. I should actually say that they went. We opted out this year because of my continued morning sickness. They went to Snowbird on Saturday and we spent that day with my dad and step mom. We went shopping and then to a movie! That night when our friends got back from the mountain, we drove into SLC and went to the gateway for some dinner and shopping again! It was nice to get away and have a fun weekend. It was much needed!
For Valentine's Day, Greg surprised me with roses, the pregnant willow tree figure, and My Girl(the movie). We then went to Geraldine's to grab a cinnamon roll then off to Idaho Falls to shop! We then went to Ruby River Steakhouse(BEST STEAK EVER!!!) We had fun just enjoying Saturday together! We then went to Yes Man with some of Greg's fam and then we called it a night! I sure am one LUCKY GIRL!!!

And here is the FIRST ultra sound pic. Sorry it's so small but the doc got "it" at a GREAT angle! From the 2nd pic, the doc said not to quote her because it's too early to tell but she said that it could be a BOY! Look carefully @ the 2nd pic and you might be able to tell!
For Valentine's Day, Greg surprised me with roses, the pregnant willow tree figure, and My Girl(the movie). We then went to Geraldine's to grab a cinnamon roll then off to Idaho Falls to shop! We then went to Ruby River Steakhouse(BEST STEAK EVER!!!) We had fun just enjoying Saturday together! We then went to Yes Man with some of Greg's fam and then we called it a night! I sure am one LUCKY GIRL!!!
And here is the FIRST ultra sound pic. Sorry it's so small but the doc got "it" at a GREAT angle! From the 2nd pic, the doc said not to quote her because it's too early to tell but she said that it could be a BOY! Look carefully @ the 2nd pic and you might be able to tell!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
First ultra sound!!!
We had our first ultra sound today!! It was so neat because "it" was SSOOO active! It was moving around and kicking it's feet! It was so cool to actually see that there was something in there and to see the little flutter of a heartbeat!! How neat! It was GREAT to share the experience with Greg! He was just as amazed as me at the sight of our little one! The doc told us not to quote her because it's too early to tell but she saw a little something that made her think that it might be a BOY!! Of course, we are going to wait and see for sure what it is on week 17! I will try and post the ultrasound pic. later!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Needing some ideas!
It's time that our bedroom gets some updating! We have had the same decor in the bedroom for 3 years now! Greg mentioned the other day that we needed a change so I am jumping on that one! I have been searching online and have found this cute wall hanging that is made from 3 pieces of 12x12 wooden tiles! I LOVE IT!! I have decided that I want this to be the focus of our room and that we can incorporate reds and creams into the mix but I really love the dark brown and am looking forward to redecorating! Here are a few other things that I was looking at...

My mother-in-law bought these last weekend and I fell in LOVE with them!! I thought that this might look cute in the bedroom as well! I have been searching for comforter sets and have found nothing!! That's my next goal... find a comforter set!!!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sick... BLAH!
I love the fact that I am carrying a baby! We are very excited! There is one thing that has put me out... being sick!! I am nauseous after every meal and I have found a couple of things that won't make me sick but for the most part, almost everything is making me ill. It's sort of an experiment to see what will make me sick and what will not... it seems that protein settles well in my tummy so I will usually drink a protein shake with OJ and a banana mixed in. If anyone knows of any other remedies please let me know!! I sure hope that this yucky feeling goes away SOON!!
Monday, January 12, 2009
This Eggo is Preggo!
Yes!! We are expecting! We found out about 2 weeks ago and tried to keep it a secret from the fam until I made it to my first doctors visit but we just couldn't hold it in any longer. We decided to tell my family FIRST since it is the first grandkid/great-grandkid then we told Greg's family. They were all so excited even though it is their 14th grandkid!! Even though I have not been to the doctor being that I am 6 weeks along, my estimated due date is September 6. We are very excited and are looking forward to the next 8-9 months of anticipation and then forever with our little one!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
When is it gonna be over!!!
Well, school starts next week and I just figured out everything!! It took me about ONE WHOLE SEMESTER but it's all good now! Oh, did I mention that I DISLIKE ISU!! SERIOUSLY!! All they do is give ya the runaround then when you have finally figured things out and you know it's all right, they give you a BIG FALSE SLAP IN THE FACE!!! FREAK!! They are SSOOOOO stinkin' annoying. AARRRGG! I have yet to apply to my program which I get the run around on as well so I sure hope it goes to the right person so that I can get in! WWAAAAAHHHOOOO!! What a ride this has been... can't wait for it to be over!

This is what I probably look like after I have talked to 10 different people @ ISU that all say different things!

This is what I probably look like after I have talked to 10 different people @ ISU that all say different things!
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